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中国民族文学网 发布日期:2010-08-05  作者:
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 5:18 PM
Subject: congratulations

Prof. Chao Gejin
Institute of Ethnic Literature,
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
5 Jiannei Dajie,
Beijing, 100732
China, PR.

Dear Professor Chao Gejin,

The Institute of Ethnic Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,
has become a leading centre of academic studies on oral and literary
traditions of many peoples and ethnic groups of China. Collecting,
preserving and studying these expressive forms makes a great
contribution to the world culture, it is also important for the
tradition carriers and their cultural identities. In the current
globalizing world all peoples  need  positive attention, encouragement
and support  in order to maintain their languages, develop their
cultural traditions and foster dialogs with other cultures. The work
that your Institute has been doing in this field is valuable and greatly
appreciated in many countries. I wish that the diverse cultures, studied
by your Institute, would flourish and get stronger, I also wish the same
to your Institute.
I am sending to you and your colleagues my sincere congratulations on
the 30^th anniversary of The Institute of Ethnic Literature, Chinese
Academy of Social Sciences. I am also sending to you my gratitude for
the valuable work that your Institute has been doing

Sincerely Yours,

Ulo Valk,
Professor of Estonian and Comparative Folklore,
University of Tartu
