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中国民族文学网 发布日期:2008-11-27  作者:陈芷凡




  第一節 回歸山林的雲豹:奧威尼.卡露斯盎其人與作品。
  第二節 文本意義的延伸:魯凱母語的拆與解
  第三節 再現美感經驗:漢語翻譯的延意與文學性
  第四節 文字語言與再現的辯證

The cultural translation and presentation
Take works of Auvini-Kadresengan for instance


  In this essay, I would discuss the works of Auvini, the famous Rukai (魯凱族) writer, in the viewpoint of cultural translation. By analyzing the structure of mother tongue, readers would get more and deeper cultural information about Rukai. Therefore, Auvini uses mother tongue in writing not only reveals his racial self- identity but also provides several ways to cultural translation. On the other hand, when Auvini writes stories in Chinese language which is useful to communicate with others face another problem. Although Chinese language is familiar with great majority of readers, people read the works of Auvini always have puzzles. It’s so difficult that readers could not understand a variety of traditional images in his description because of the different cultural context. In my point, the relationship of mother tongue correspond to self-identity and Chinese language correspond to communicate is controversial issue.

  The paper focus on several points:
  1. Introduction of writer Auvini and his works
  2. The results of analyzing the structure of Rukai mother tongue
  3. How the translation as a “afterlife” in his works
  4. The controversial issue of mother tongue and Chinese language.

